
Our Curriculum

Love & Glory uses the Creative Curriculum for our infant, toddler and twos classes. We use Creative Curriculum for our preschool and VPK classes. All of our teachers are trained to use the curriculum for their class. From time to time community helpers are invited into our classrooms to enhance curriculum themes (such as the fire department, law enforcement, doctors, dentists, etc.).

Lesson plans for the week are posted in each class room.


Teachers will conduct ongoing assessments throughout the school year. Children will be assessed both formally and informally using a variety of methods, such as teacher observations, developmental checklists and curriculum assessment tools. Parents are also encouraged to share their observations from home with their child’s teacher. While parents can request a meeting with their child’s teacher at any time, there will be two parent/teacher conferences scheduled each year (fall and spring). During conferences, teachers will share assessment and screening results and give parents an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress.
We Provide Children With A

Comprehensive Environment

Student Portfolios

Teachers are required to maintain a student portfolio for each child in their class. This portfolio will include observations and anecdotal records, samples of the child’s work, ASQ screening assessments and developmental assessments that correspond to their group’s curriculum. Teachers will use the information in these files to identify children’s individual needs, modify curriculum and adapt teaching practices to meet those individual needs. Collecting samples of the student’s work will show their development over time. This progress will be shared with parents; parents will also be informed of any concerns regarding a child’s behavior, development or progress and will be involved in any action plans.